781 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, VIC 3165

Our Blogs

Our Blogs
News, Update and Experts Opinions From Our Team

November 24, 2014

[audioplayer file="https://www.ebdg.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Dr-Harry-on-Gold-104.3-FM-2014-11-20-08-20-37.mp3" titles="Dr Harry on Gold 104.3 - Brig & Lehmo Show"]


November 20, 2014

Are you putting off replacing your missing tooth because you afraid of the surgery? Can’t...


November 20, 2014

Here at East Bentleigh Dental Group we have a complete and dedicated orthodontic team. Led by...


November 20, 2014

There is no greater pain nor greater discomfort to notice than that of bleeding gums and loose teeth. It...


November 20, 2014

Yes that’s right! It is now possible to get a dental implant that does not involve the...


November 18, 2014

Here at East Bentleigh Dental Group we have all the modern varieties of orthodontic solutions....


November 18, 2014

In 2015, make yourself a promise to take care of you dental health. The best...


November 10, 2014

People with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (meaning more than 15 respiratory obstructions per...


October 30, 2014

At East Bentleigh Dental Group we understand that many of our patients in Melbourne dream...


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