Many people experience considerable discomfort or debilitating pain from bruxism (the clenching and/or grinding of teeth in sleep) and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) that cause jaw pain. At East Bentleigh Dental Group, we keep up to date with the latest dentistry technologies and techniques to provide effective treatment for these afflictions. One relatively new bruxism cure and TMD treatment involves the use of injectables to relax facial muscles, stop clenching and ease headaches associated with bruxism and TMD.
The Difference Between Bruxism & TMD
Bruxism refers to clenching of the teeth, while TMD is a disorder affecting the jaw that includes bruxism as a symptom. This means a bruxism cure will typically vary from a TMD treatment, although some treatments such as injectables can be useful for both conditions. The symptoms of bruxism can include clenching and grinding teeth in sleep, flattened, chipped or fractured teeth, sensitive teeth, pain in the jaw and worn tooth enamel, while common symptoms of TMD include grinding or grating noises with movement of the jaw, jaw and face pain, bruxism, difficulty opening the mouth, worn tooth enamel, tinnitus, dizziness, headache and earache.